Elders Brown and Windhausen were the Zone Leaders in Belfast. We had met Elder Windausen earlier in our mission as we did flat inspections. He is from Germany and almost sounds like an American...no German accent at all. Both were wonderful young men.
Elders Rogers and Pienarr worked in the Edinburgh Ward. Elder Rogers was from Austrailia and Elder Pienaar was from South Africa. We introduced them to root beer floats and to our surprise, neither liked them. They thought the root beer tasted like medicine.
This was the Morningside District Missionaries in the Edinburgh Ward. Elder Star was the District Leader and Elder Welsh was his companion. Sisters Crawley and Hobbs added some beauty to the District. Sister Hobbs is from England and Sister Crawley is from Gilbert, AZ
Elders McKhann and Moser were Chinese speaking missionaires in Edinburgh. Makin is one of their investigators. Makin was baptized and we helped her find a part-time job to gain some work experience
Sister Hobbs learning to knit
Elders Moser and Norsford brought Shirley (Xiaoli HU) to dinner at our flat and after dinner we taught her to play Uno.
Sisters Firth and Caswell
Sisters Crawley and Jackson
Sisters Jackson & Crawley with Florina. Flo is a special young woman who we love dearly. We have had wonderful times with her helping her to find employment.
Sisters Hobbs and Adams celebrating Sister Hobbs birthday at our flat
Sister Hobbs 20th birthday dinner at our flat
Sisters Lowry & Cardon
Elder Oman and Brother Gibb from Falkirk
Elders Jackman & Leaver
The Chinese Elders would ususally bring investigators to dinner with them. Here is Elders McKhann and Norsford with Makin and Zining
Root Beer floats were a big hit with most of the missionaries. We stocked up on A&W Root Beer when we visited Steve (our son) in England at Christmas. Elders Star and Utley enjoyed the treat
Zining had never tasted root beer or had a root beer float. It was a treat for Elders Wells and Shubin
Sister missionaries were wonderful to work with and brought a special spirit with them. Sisters Birch and Clegg
The All Scotland Mission Conference with President Teixeira of the Europe Area Presidency
The All Ireland Mission Conference with President Teixeira of the Europe Area Presidency.
We didn't get a picture of many of the missionaries with whom we worked. They are special young people who were dedicated to serving the Lord and testify of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.