Now we are home we have moved to Arizona and are getting settled into retirement life. I have my workshop set up and spend time with the wood turning hobby. I miss writing about our activities and decided that I should continue to log my activities and highlight some of the work I am doing.
New posts will be coming and I will chronicle our activities since coming home and report on things happening. When I posted to our blog while in Scotland I often wondered who read what was written. This will be much the same...the main reason for posting is just to write about what I am doing and not worry about whether anyone is reading the posts.
We now live in PebbleCreek located in the city of Goodyear, Arizona. The air is clean and the weather is warm. We enjoy the sunsets and sun rises from the patio of our home.
Sunset from our patio
Our backyard looking over the golf course.
Our home...
Sunrise view from out patio...
More posts will be coming soon...